
Hello and welcome to my little site. There are a few static pages and some blog posts separated into categories. That’s about it! It will always be under construction.

I don’t know if I will stick with this project, we shall see. I am fairly private and thin-skinned, not the perfect psych setup for a blogger or site author.

By the way, depending on your age, you might be in that photo in the header. It is a crop of the first ever Earthrise photo, taken December 24, 1968, by the crew of Apollo 8. See if you can see yourself. They used a long lens. Don’t spend too much time trying. I was sixteen when this picture came out. It reminds me that we are all on this Earth together. For years, this photo has moved me every time I look at it.

My aim is to keep this site simple.

The bulk of the posts to date are about a voyage I took recently, as a passenger on a freighter ship.

I haven’t done much on this site since those posts on the voyage. I still intend to do a few more things here, but you know how intentions go…

One exciting thing, for me anyway, is that I’ve finished a novel, Exothermic, in May of 2022. Look at the Fiction page.