This one was not exactly a request, but almost. It was a gift for my dad, a rabid Steelers fan. During other parts of the year it can also serve for the Penguins and the Pirates, Pittsburgh being economical with pro team colors.
It is the first weaving I did in my new place (the subject of another post), so you’ll see some new views.
This might be my last scarf for a while. When I get back to weaving, I want to experiment a bit. I expect to create a lot of, well, to be polite, waste. But I also expect to learn what I can do and what I like to do with my loom.
So here we go! All I had to do was to find some Steelers colors on several web sites and copy one of them…
Black. Yellow (or Gold, depending on how regal you feel). White trim. Onward!
Measuring a good length.
Winding around the peg. Everything seems so organized at this point.
Finished with threading all yarn into the right spot in the heddle.
Finished with winding up the warp, with even tension applied. Ready for weaving.
Weaving underway. We use the general term “weaving” as an overall description, but the process of weaving is not more important, but only equally important to the processes of measuring, threading the heddle, warping, tying off, and finishing (soaking, drying, trimming).
Finished weaving. What’s next on the loom is to tie all ends.
Off the loom, ready for a bath.
Drying in the bathtub after a hot water soak.
A bit of detail. Go Steelers!