Weaving – Christmas 2016 scarves

I decided to make a few scarves as gifts for Christmas 2016. You can see them in the Projects page, numbers 005 through 012.

While making them, I got to know the folks at Northwest Wools in Portland very well. I had a good time there, and they helped me to feel welcome in Portland. If you are near Portland and need to do anything with wool, I can say that they are friendly, even with folks like me who know basically nothing.

They helped me with some yarn choices. They also took some pictures of me for their Facebook page. Oh my. Here’s one of them. Do I look as self-conscious as I feel?

There was a point in time just before packing up the car to start the drive to Arizona where all of the recently woven scarves were in one place. I took a few pictures. Here’s one. I kind of like it. Lots of hours went into what’s on that table!

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